
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hats Off to Moms

Hats Off to Moms

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I was looking at a display of cute caps at a Seattle "sustainable materials" active clothing manufacturer called Kavu and thought of mothers and our constant juggling act. We wear so many hats, but it's what's under those hats that keeps us moms going strong, if a little crazed at times. That's mindfulness of our children's many needs and their ultimate welfare. Sustainability on the human level, from the basic physical care we give our darlings to the community we build for them and the democracy we must reclaim from our own avarice and corporate greed if a healthy future is to be had. That's why I work hard at what I do, and that's why I vote. Just one more mom wearing many hats, like my mom did for me. Happy Mother's Day to those in the US celebrating today.


  1. Clever display and even more clever correlation with this day. Happy Mother's Day to you, too. ~Chuck

  2. And hats off to your comments! Lovely photo, brought to life by the girl's face.


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