
Friday, May 16, 2008

Surrealistic View


Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

We have lovely sunshine and balmy breezes at last. Everyone's out and about, including walkers, runners, cyclists, and even tour buses. This tour bus with a photo cling advertisement of the view from Kerry Park Overlook was actually parked at Kerry Park Overlook. Its reflective windows mirrored a distorted view of the same scene. For those of you feeling clever, I invite you to name this photo.


  1. I'm not feeling clever, but how about Double Vision or Needles over Needles or just Blue Skies! I think you named it best - great photo! Have a nice weekend!

  2. Felicia's suggestion of "Doubloe Vision" sounds good to me. But I had a question. Did the tour bus have Mt. Rainier on the back? We followed one like that last week all the way from Eatonville to Puyallup.

  3. Felicia, I like it!

    Katney, yes, it sure did.

  4. Great catch on this photo. Nice image with the two needles, and somehow the woman represents a third consistent shape. Nice work.

  5. I love the movement in this photo - the feel of it. It's a photo that makes you want to look and look, which I just did.

  6. Another fantastic shot Kim.

    I love the liquid mirror effect of the buss windows

  7. Amazing catch! :-) Btw, thanks for posting all these photos... they remind me of a wonderful city I used to live in and its equally wonderful people.

  8. It looks the apt name has been chosen. It's such a curious image. has to have more than on viewing.

  9. Great catch!!! I love how the most realistic view is not the obvious one.

  10. I started to comment on your fantastic luck, coming upon this shot. But then I many of us have "the eye" that it takes to see this? I certainly don't! I'm sure I would have walked right past this bus without seeing the connection. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent, Kim!

  11. Surreal it is. Double Vision works well, too. Over and Under, Up and Above, Fractured, Schizophrenic, Needle Squared ... -:) Cool image, no mater what you call it! ~Chuck

  12. A wonderful composition; in fact, a lot of great shots this week! Cheers...


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