
Friday, May 23, 2008

Trophy Cupcakes Taking Off

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

One year old Trophy Cupcakes in the Wallingford neighborhood seems to be all the buzz. I was there to pick up an assortment for a party and learned from the folks behind me in line that they were there for the first time after hearing the owner interviewed on KUOW yesterday. Last month Martha Stewart featured Trophy's S'mores cupcake. The varieties are creative and tasty! Today I'd like to send 2nd Anniversary cupcakes to Helen at Albuquerque Daily Photo, and belated 1st Anniversary cupcakes to Linda at Austin Daily Photo, and to Bergson at Chateaubriant Daily Photo.

Oh My


  1. Well this is a nice post. I like it and while I never heard of this place before I can relate to cupcakes.

  2. I've heard lots of your city but I never know where it is located. I just checked Seattle on the map, stupid me, I thought it is somewhere near Mexico.It must be really cold there in winter as it's almost the northest point of USA.

  3. I like cupcakes and this photo, and I've even been by Trophy Cupcakes in Wallingford, but are the cupcakes REALLY good enough to merit their cost? I keep thinking I can make better ones and just as pretty... But they're in business and I'm not! Just curious though.

  4. You read our mind, Kim.
    We were talking about cup cakes last night when Meg told me she's thinking to bake some.

  5. Wow--it's so rare that I receive a comment from a DPB that I'm dumbfounded---hey, a big mahalo for stopping by! And I'll take one of those s'mores cupcakes with a latte if you'll join me!

  6. Oh No! I haven't recovered from Verite and their cupcakes in Ballard and now you taunt me with these? Please!

  7. Thank you for my birthday.

    I would take a small cake well to celebrate my birthday

  8. Just as well I don't live too near to this delight! Very interesting and beautiful cupcakes.

  9. Your post inspired us to visit this place today (we're on the move from seattle back to the UAE)! Great cupcakes!!!


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