
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Red Wings

Red Wings

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Yesterday Dan from McKinney TX Daily Photo commented on the Market clock photo: "Brilliant, vivacious red in this." He couldn't have known my photo for today would follow up that theme with this portrait I took of a Market vendor. I caught her in a thoughtful moment when she was taking a break and conversing with friends. Dressed all in black and with just the sides of her hair visible below her hat, I thought of the beautiful red winged black birds I have loved since childhood. Her lovely down turned eyes subtly echo a paler shade. It is good to see vivacious color in this gray week of clouds, and the creative people who make the Market such a pleasure for everyone to enjoy, rain or shine.


  1. She does have a flair about her.

  2. A very nice shot, Kim. . . .It sort of reminds me of those birds, too. . . . .I always like red and black together (but could do without the piercings!!)

  3. Great shot. The "red wings" make a nice contrast to the black hat and coat. I notice you did your signature in red too:)

  4. I like your comparison of her and the bird - I somehow think she would appreciate it too. The red really does add a splash of beautiful color and contrast - lovely photo.

  5. You are so clever, Kim. Not only to catch a super shot but to show the red-winged blackbird comparison. MB

  6. "Louis" saw this photo and had to look again at the blog title to remind himself this is a Seattle blog - he thought for a moment he was on Telegraph Avenue in The People's Republic of Berserkeley.... People who look like this are the norm there.

  7. Nice picture!!

    I like red hair ... but not SO RED!!! I used to mess up with hennè when I was younger ...

    Thanks for visiting my blog. If this can comfort you, we had a very rainy April and a rainy and mild May: summer has come late this year. We did swim last weekend, but again, today it's raining and temperature back to 20°C (68°F).

  8. O what a marvellous shot and those red wings are super.

  9. A gret photo. She is very appearing but yet seems shy.

  10. You catch the best shots. Wish I had your eye, I'm trying to learn!

  11. This is a beautiful portrait. But I must confess, when I saw your title, the first thing I thought of was "Detroit!" Oy, I'm such a hockey geek.

  12. Jim, Yes, she does. Thanks.

    Chris, Red and black are a stable combination. Hmmmm I wonder what you might think of my piercings? ;^)

    Clueless, You have an eye for detail!

    Ananda, thank you!

    Mary Beth and Laurent, Thanks guys!

    Louis, Having spent 20 wonderful years in Berkeley, with my office just 1/2 block off the Ave., I can tell you the street style of this pretty lady is just as popular in many places all over the world. But for a guy in Albany, it probably seems very daring and Berkeley/Oakland. ;^)

    Patrizia, the kids can get some very vivid colors going with the products available these days.
    You do make me feel less jealous letting me know your weather has shifted back to rainy as well. Summer WILL come for us all, eventually :-) That pool looked so inviting, though.

    Gerald, many thanks!

    Blognote, this was a candid, and she was speaking and listening to someone. She looked like she was framing a thought to speak.

    Jill, Everyone has their own special way of seeing. I wish I were better with the technical end of things, and when my life settles down a bit more, I hope to concentrate on becoming much better. I think just getting out to shoot and seeing what friends are coming up with is inspiration. Best to you, and thanks!

    Knoxville Girl, OF COURSE! That never occurred to me, but makes perfect sense. The street hockey players here are rabid RW fans and I see the logo all the time.

    Thank you everyone, for such kind comments.

  13. This is a great shot, so natural. Her hair isn't a natural color, but that doesn't bother me. Here in Belgrade you often see this color of hair on young girls (a few guys..) and older women, too.

  14. After reading your title and before reading your description I thought you were seeing into the future as the "Red Wings" won the Stanley Cup the day following your post.

    Knoxville girl, shout out from a fellow hockey fan, check out my blog for some shots of my fave player, Zetterberg aka Zetty, AKA Hank, AKA Zata, AKA Z from the game with Dallas a few weeks ago.

    Enough about hockey, your shot is great, you have a great ability to capture people.

  15. Exceptional shot, Kim! Yes, you're right about it being just the right tonic to counter our dismal weather of late. Thanks for the lift!

  16. Wonderful portrait! Brilliant!

  17. Kim, I like the composition! Great shot!


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