
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hanging Out

Hanging Out

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A father and son playing at the Ballard skate park bowl when all the sk8trs had abandoned it for the day. The boy would slide to the bottom, run around a bit, then dash quickly to get enough momentum to scramble up to the lip. Sometimes he would succeed unaided, and other times dad would assist in pulling him out. . .or dangle him back down again to his delight. My inner-mom's note to self: take time to play and connect everyday before they are outtahere.


  1. My goodness, this looked so scary in the portal. Am glad it's simply fun! Fab shot, Kim.

  2. Yeah.. at first you think "OMG... whats happening???".

    Really sweet, the boy seems to enjoy hanging around ^^

  3. What a marvelous shot. But I've turned into such a killjoy since becoming a parent. All I thought was -- the kid should have sneakers on for better traction or he could sprain his ankle!

  4. Look at the huge smile on the boys face. What fun they are having. MB

  5. What a great dad! What a great photo!

  6. You captured a perfectly marvelous moment. Not only a "free range kid" but a free range dad as well.

  7. Great shot! What a fun picture. :-)

  8. Great shot! What a fun picture. :-)

  9. That's awesome! I wish I was still small enough for my dad to do this with me. :o) Made me smile to see this shot. Thanks for the smile today.

  10. The photo seems odd, until you read the explanation. The kid looks like he's having a blast.

  11. The lo0k on the boy's face says it all. You have given the action wonderful space.

  12. On second visit, I hope they get to see this. It's an image of a lifetime.

  13. Awesome photo! I bet they'll remember this day for a long time. Such fun to see them having so much fun!

  14. You are so talented with people shots! I love this.

  15. I had to come back and see this one again. You really captured a great moment.

  16. What a great picture. Two people caught at a perfect moment! Really love it.

  17. What a great shot - a decisive moment if there ever was one.

    Also, thanks for dropping by and commenting on the film/digital - I have to say I agree with your criticism of the film version - the lack of focus really annoyed me but I decided to use it, anyway.

  18. Love it! I would like to be the kid in the photo.

  19. i have to make that same note to self! nice photo, observation and capture!

  20. A very well captured. This boy looked so happy and enjoyed it.

  21. What an amazing shot. It makes me smile from the inside out.


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