
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Mark Twain!

Mark Twain

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

No, not THAT Mark Twain! Today Seattle Daily Photo marks two years of consecutive daily posts. Thanks to all of the many supportive visitors who have made it a daily habit to drop by and add their special comments, and to the very helpful CDPB family, many of whom dedicate enormous amounts of time and expertise to bring the whole world closer, one city at a time.

I invite you to help celebrate SDP's 2nd Anniversary by taking a minute to explore a few photos from the archives listed in the sidebar to the right. Pick a year and a month and check out some sights you may have missed, or find out which CDPB friends were the very first to leave comments. The City Daily Photo Blog community has grown from about 5 blogs to over 300 since that influential moment in autumn of 2005 when I first stumbled across Eric and Paris Daily Photo in the blogosphere. I started SDP long after I'd caught the daily photo viewing habit. Just as I was about to launch SDP, another Seattlite named Rose went live with her own SDP, and only one blog per city was allowed at that time. When Rose stopped a few months later I was given the go to start. That was 732 posts, and over 150,000 viewers from 160 counties ago. Walking this beautiful city with camera in hand has taught me so much, and I've become acquainted with many fantastic people along the way. Thanks for exploring Seattle with me everyday!


  1. We began "blogging" the same year. Me in 2005 also. I still have all of those posts and pictures and suspect you do too.

    The difference is that those places where I began went out of business. Two of them. One after the other. LOL

    I went to Blogger and never looked back.

    So, congratulations on your career in blogging from Seattle. Seattle Daily Photo is really a nice blog and I try to visit you every day.

  2. I must have celebrated my second anniversary back in May I think. Congrats Kim, It's always a pleasure looking at your photos here or at flickr.

  3. So in your days only one CDP blog per city was allowed? I remember it was a heated debate back then. When I joined though this had been resolved and my Sydney DP blog was allowed besides Sally's. Our posts were so differents that neither of us felt we were tramping on each other's ground. In fact we became great friends and she came to visit me now that I'm in Avignon, so I'm all for several CDPs allowed in the same city, especially large ones.

    Congratulations on your two years of active blogging and great photos. Coming here is always a treat. Cheers !

    (BTW I saw from Bergson's blog that you write perfect French!)

  4. I'm a bit surprised you've only just reached two as I thought you started before me - maybe I was confused with early SDP but never mind - there were two Barcelona blogs already when I started. In Seattle you were joined by (Susan was it?) who was "Mostly" Seattle - recently revived but only briefly I think and now you have Chuck beside you too.

    Lots of changes over those two years so sometimes gaps of a week or two before I get round to visiting.

    all the best

  5. Congratulation and thanks for sharing Seattle. I really like and agree with your comment about bring the world closer one city at a time.

    Best wishes for many more wonderful photos.

  6. Hi, Kim! Am patiently waiting for my one-year anniversary next March...a bit to go yet. Although I know Seattle quite well, I love checking your blog and (re)discovering some places. Keep up the good work!

    Check me this coming Saturday when I post some photos for around 10 days of our Greek vacation, seen through our little Serbian mystery traveler's eyes...

  7. Congrats, Kim. You have a wonderful blog and I am glad that we can see more than one blog from any city. Seattle being my former hometown I enjoy seeing the sights through your eyes. MB

  8. FÉLICITATION, et un joyeux anniversaire pour tes deux ans de DP.

    Bonne continuité pour ton DP Seattle.

  9. Not sure when I discovered you, but I have visited daily since then. My son used to be a Seattle blogger, but he has blogged very little in the last year and recently moved to California. He it is who inspired me to blog, and now I am thinking of setting up a Yakima Valley Daily Photo blog. I may wait till a day when I don't have a week or two absense from home facing me before I get started.

  10. Happy Birthday, Kim! 2 years is a bunch! You and Mark with the same birthday ... imagine that ... and what a clever image you've chosen to celebrate. Our city is certainly big enough for several daily bloggers and no surprise there is little crossover. On not to an even more exciting third year!

    Happy to be in such good company!

    Chuck - Almost-One-A-Day - Seattle

  11. A very happy second birthday to you, Kim. That's no small feat. Love your Best of Set Selections - just had the best time looking at that.

    I love your blog, always original, always inspiring and with great photographs. There are several CDP bloggers I look to for inspiration and you are one of them. Thankyou.

  12. In the immortal words of Frosty the Snowman... "Happy Birthday"

  13. Congratulations on making it to two years and also for maintaining such a high standard of photography! I really enjoy seeing Seattle through your images.

  14. Congratulations on your two years, always a great daily image.

  15. Goodness, Abe! The blog hosting sites that have abandoned you! You and Eric started blogsin 2005, and in blogging terms you are grand-daddies already ;^). I've only been acquainted with your CDPBlog.

    Steffe, Thanks! You've been such a friendly force in photo sharing, and I love keeping up with your life in Sweden through your creative, beautiful images.

    Nathalie, First, thank you very much. And, I must confess that I got Ds and Cs (passable but near failing grades--) in eighth grade French. I cannot spell in that language to save my life! So, free online translator is my friend when I comment at Bergson's or Olivier's blogs. So much for my perfect French :-)

    I think the issue of more than one blogger in a city was resolved right after I started. I loved visiting you and Sally (virtualy) and remember when you two planned to first meet and the resulting photos. Lots of friendships have formed cross-world and next door through CDPB. You were the first commenter of mine to really NOTICE specific things in my photos and offer photo critique. That meant you really took the time to LOOK at them, and that felt (and feels) good. You have a gift for observing detail and encouraging better photography. To this day I value what you have to say about photos and admire your work very much.

    Gerald, Thank you! You probably felt you "knew me" earlier as I visited and commented regularly on CDPBlogs long before I took the plunge myself. Yes, Carlos and Bob were both showing us Barcelona, sort of under the radar, and maybe it was Ham or Nuno that already had the remedy of "Barcelona -Carlos" and "Barcelona -Bob" in our listings that suggested a way to open it to multiple listings and stretch Eric's original vision with the first cohort of city bloggers. You've been one of those ever-present helpful folks who often try, like Ham and others, to offer solutions on the techie side of things, and like Marie McC and Denton, kept good track of who was doing what where and when, our historians of sorts. I love visiting Hyde regularly, and its been fun to explore it's past with you since you've begun the new blog. Cheers!

    Denton, thank you. Your helpful problem solving and encouraging, friendly support has been invaluable to me and most others as we've found our way along.

    Bibi, your interesting and well-done photographs have pulled me right into Belgrade (one of our most well-covered CDPB cities!) Can't wait to meet up in Septemeber, and I'll look forward to your Greek travel tales soon (with mystery guest!).

    MB, I love regularly getting out of the city to your "small city scenes" and the more rural culture that is integral to life here in the Pacific Northwest. It's always fun when you visit and mention your mom's or your experiences in different neighborhoods here. Thank you!

    Marcel, Thank you, and thanks for your many visits and comments. It's been fun to learn a little of your Seattle adventures and to see your life in Sitka. You and Connie should write a book about your active lives in these amazing northwest regions.

    Olivier, J'apprécie très beaucoup vos visites fréquentes et jolis commentaires toutes ces années. J'aime voir Evry et après vos aventures avec Amadie et finis quelquefois voir des photos de vos visites dans votre New York chéri. Votre photographie s'améliore juste et mieux et vous êtes toujours la présence la plus sympathique dans la communauté CDPB!

    Katney, Can't wait until you do it! I would love to see your city as I have friends who grew up there but have never seen it first hand myself. Isn't it interesting how our kids influence us and bring us into new territory. My daughter taught me how to play chess when she was a 5th grader, and we learned to knit together during her 7th grade year, two things I absolutely love to do now! This year she took photography, so perhaps the influence is running both ways! :-). I've always appreciated your very kind comments, and thanks for checking in daily!

    Chuck, Thanks much. It has been fun to have your friendly "voice" join the chorus of this CDPB community which has come to mean so much to me. We love our Vespaboy and his adventures and the sights he shows us. Even more than your open and friendly blogging, I admire the talent and expertise you bring to bare on shots of even the most common objects. . .say, a fire hydrant or flower. You've got more skill in your photographic pinkie than I'll gain in my lifetime. But its your ability to share about yourself, those you know and meet, and tell a story that has been the most fun. When life settles down a bit for me I'd love to have you and Penny over for dinner or go on a photowalk and you can show me how you work that magic with light and your 5D! Wishing you continued fresh discoveries on you daily journey!

    Graciousness and kindness are truly your hallmark, and you've been such an encouragement to me! And thanks for looking at the little animation. It was a first for me and a very feeble attempt to try the tool Eric has been using so successfully. Thanks for checking in regularly, and thanks especially for showing us the magic and colors of Menton and Monte Carlo. Your images are such a treat for me!

    Many thanks to you all,

  16. Happy 2nd anniversary.
    And you have done it with your special touch... always some originality in mind..
    I have never been in Seattle, but I am glad to discover it through your lenses.
    I am also very happy that many blogs are allowed per city... Everybody has a different way of seeing things ,and we have the examples everyday on CDP.
    Wish you many more.

    J'ai egalement vu votre Français ce matin, et il merite mieux que des C's!!!!

  17. Eric, Frosty's words are all imortal! :-) Thanks.
    And thanks so much to you Kieth, and John! I appreciate your visits and glad you enjoy the site.

    Marie-Noyale, C'est tout un truc fait avec les miroirs! ;^) Et je suis sûr le péage de traducteur que j'utilise assemble quelques expressions très étranges occasionnellement, aussi! Mais, merci. :-)

  18. It's so true that your blog has been such an inspiration - not only the splendid photography, but the thoughtful commentary and link enrichment you take time to create. Thank you! Congratulations!

  19. I'm really late to the party, but glad I finally found it!
    Happy Birthday SDP. Kim, your photos are inspiring and let us travel virtually to Seattle each day. Those of us who may never get to visit in person thank you!

  20. Congratulations! Wow...2 years. I've always enjoyed your photos.

  21. I love your blog! I just found it!!! I live and telecommute from my job in Seattle to my home in Spokane..did that make sense? Anyway, the kids are just a few years away from being out of the house and we will be moving to Seattle then....just can't give up the schools we have them in right now.

    Anyway, LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog!

  22. Congratulations on your 2 years of posting wonderful, always interesting photographs.

  23. Wow, what an accomplishment! Congrats! I've really enjoyed looking at your blog, so I hope you have many more years...

  24. I am such a numpty I thought it was chuck and not you that was two! My Homer Simpson moment. 2 years continuous posting is a marvellous achievement. Here's to many more to come, and a big thank you for being one of the very first people to actually welome me to the CDP community. I always admired your header shot. Now that's a cityscape.

  25. "Louis" is a day late, but offers his congratulations nonetheless!

  26. I'm late to the party as well - nonetheless, happy belated blogaversary. I've really enjoyed keeping up with Seattle through your creative eye.

  27. Congratulations on the 2 year mark, Kim.

  28. Congratulations! I used to leave in Seattle. I loved it. Now I live in Duluth and sometimes I accidentally say, "Seattle", "West Seattle", etc. The hills and the water and the progressive people in Duluth remind me of Seattle.

  29. Congratulations on your 2nd birthday. Keep up the good work.

  30. Hartelijk gefeliciteerd. It takes a lot of effort to keep showing us these beautiful photo's so a round of applause from the other side of the big pond!

  31. Congratulations Kim. I sure do love seeing Seattle through your eyes. Thanks for kind thoughts when I was hospitalized. I am almost ready to get out and about again I think, still a little weak, but raring to get by strength back.

  32. CONGRATS, KIM!! Keep up the great work. My day isn't complete until I can check out one of your amazing photos on your blog. :-)

  33. Thank you to each one of you for stopping in and sharing such kind comments and wishes! My mom is quite ill and I'm not able to get to the computer much more than to post the daily entry. I will catch up with each of you in the coming weeks, and want you to know I enjoy putting up some views you might not have seen and hearing from you about them.
    Best to all!

  34. Happy 2nd Anniversary, Kim!!!
    Wish that you have many more happy years with CDB!!!

  35. Congratulations, you've done a fantastic job! I very much enjoy seeing your photos and also admire the hard work you put into each of your commentaries. Thank you Kim!


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