
Sunday, August 17, 2008

101 Years

101 Years of Pike Place Public Market

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Pike Place Public Market is 101 years old today. Click here for information on the long history of this Seattle treasure. For detailed views, click the mosaic, then click the number of any of the 36 individual images.


  1. You've been hard at work Kim. I homed in on the bachelorette party right away. A fine montage.

  2. nice bunch of images, here. They all look really good together.

    have a great week

  3. What a great post! The to go.

  4. A very nice college of photos!

    If you have time click on the radio story link on my blog today and listen to the story of how our weather is going to be cool and yours is going to be warmer for the next few years. I hope they are wrong, but if they are right you are in for good summers.

  5. Great collage. I have no idea how to do this but would love to learn. Wonderful diversity of images.

  6. Thanks to all for your kind comments.
    Marcel, I will go to your site later today to listen. . .although I would LOVE nice summers (the two before this one were sub-par), I wouldn't mind a repeat performance of this year. As a side note, Al Gore has challenged the American people to get off fossil fuels (oil, coal, etc.) in ten years, much like Kennedy made a 10 years challenge to a man on the moon. I behind it and hope others will look into it and ask their congressional representatives and state officials to put their shoulders to the wheel. I'm hoping we can lessen and even undo some of the damage and have a good influence on weather patterns.
    Virginia, I used the tool available to those who use Flickr to upload their photos to the web. The tool is called Mosaic Maker and can be accessed at fd's flicker toys (Big Huge Labs) here:
    Hope that helps!

  7. Beautiful collage of colorful images. It looks like a huge place.

  8. Super mosaic - just the best. Thank you for the treat!

  9. I just recently visited Seattle for the first time and fell in love! I would love to live there. I found you blog when I got home and have enjoyed looking at all of your photo's. Seattle is a photo-op waiting to happen. There are so many things to photograph. Keep them coming. I check everyday for a new view of Seattle. If I can't be there, I can live vicariously through your photo's! LOL!


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