
Monday, August 04, 2008

Blue TV Screen Light

Blue TV Screen Light

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

As we were leaving a friend's place, the differing types of light from the windows of a neighboring home caught my eye and made me think of a Joni Mitchell lyric from "A Case of You." Just had to grab the camera and snap it.


  1. Whoa..this is dangerously close to my house. I don't know the guy who lives here, but as far as I can's just the one guy that lives in this enormous house.

  2. Oooh, I love Joni Mitchell's earlier works, like "A Case of You," and I thought of the song immediately even before I read your caption, Indeed this photo does fit.

  3. I don't know the song, but the light variations are nice. These days the blue probably comes from a computer screen. Heaven forbid it's the "blue screen of death" common among PC users.

  4. Nice picture, I really like the light you have catch here.

  5. I love the different lighting on each level of the house. Nice catch.

  6. Indeed an eye-capturing image! "Louis" would have shot this too, had he seen it.


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