
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Did You Bring Your Bags?

Did You Bring Your Bags?

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Like many cities in the USA, Seattle has been trying to reduce refuse and waste of natural resources through its commercial and residential recycling programs. This summer's hot topics have been more proactive, such as avoiding bottled water in favor of using drinking fountains and bringing one's own cloth grocery bags for marketing. Proposed for next year is a small fee per bag charge for a store's paper or plastic. Tell me this: why do I keep forgetting my bags at home like this woman? ;^).


  1. I'm with you!

    I have recently started to keep my bags in the back of my car and still sometimes I forget to get them out before I go in.

    I have gotten better about telling cashiers I don't need a bag when I can carry the purchases in my hands but I think like anything, this will require an effort until it becomes a habit!

  2. I've been re-using bags for a while now, but even so, I slip up sometimes. I usually have a folded nylon bag in my tote bag (which serves well in and of itself) but there are times when I forget to replace it after some instance of shopping.

  3. First of all let me tell you how much I love your blog. I always look forward to seeing your photos.

    When I moved here my friends gave me some great Pike Place Market canvas bags and in the past couple of years I've accumulated a nice little collection, some from Trader Joes, the plastic laminated ones great for frozen foods, an array of PCC ones...but also keep tucked in my backpack, a couple of grocery store bags just in case I forget the others. ps. I noticed that most of the folks I hear complaint about the proposed charge are those who use the grocery bags when they walk their doggies :)


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