
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Driving Home From a Perfect Day

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Winding through the hilly streets, headlights needed earlier as autumn approaches. Coming home after a perfect sunny summer day with hints of fall in the breeze. It surprises many visitors to Seattle how many hills and narrow lanes there can be to navigate to houses tucked into the curves of the topography. It affords everyday views such as this, though.


  1. How I love Seattle's hills and twisty streets. This photo again for me is very nostalgic, and I love the light over the mountains.

  2. That's very beautiful. Reminds me a bit of Wellington in NZ which we visited many years ago.

    Re the park charges: I guess the reasons they introduced charges go like this:

    + people are earning an income from use of what is free public space
    + council has to pay for maintenance of those spaces
    + it was becoming so prevalent that some parks were just being taken over to the annoyance of passive recreational users (and local residents in some places who had early morning "boot-camps" thudding around under the windows before dawn)
    + much of the activities were run by large corporate fitness entities who were thereby receiving subsidy at the expense of ratepayers.

  3. The night is encroaching earlier and earlier for us in the northern half. Lovely.

  4. I'd love to drive that stretch with the sunroof open and nice jazz on the stereo...

    Lovely shot!

  5. Bonjour Kim,
    I like very much the contrast between the colored sunset into the background and the beam of the car's headlights illuminating the brick wall, into the foreground.
    I have been only once to Seatle and I remember being up and down while enjoying fantastic views of majectic Mount Rainier in the distance.

  6. Beautiful sky! I like the cars lights in the foreground too :)

  7. This is a lovely capture. The bleeding of colours is always agreeable to the eye.

  8. Thank you so much for photographing my beloved city. I moved away 2 years ago and have been yearning to go back since I started reading your blog. This shot makes me miss the summer and fall nights! Lovely!


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