
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fading Summer

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Darker earlier, sunup later, breezes cooling despite the warm days. I bring a little of it indoors to keep it going a bit longer. It rained all day yesterday, and gray today, but Indian Summer is just around the corner with it's crisp air and bright sun. Happy SUNday everyone!


  1. The SUNflower is a reminder to look and see if anybody commented on my SUNflower on Canon Pixels. It is a bronze one.

    I think I like your sunflower better as it got the bronze color too and is yellow.

    Nice post.

  2. Beautiful illustration for the end of summer...van Gogh would have been proud of you!

  3. SO amazing. I love the dark background and the golden light filtering through just those few petals....perfect almost-end-of-summer photo....


  4. I love the colors and the detail. One day, I will learn to take pictures this good.

  5. This is a perfect representation of the end of summer! I really love this. (Now, I'm off to see Abe's sunflower, too!)

  6. ohhh Thanks Kim, The SUNday is becoming sunny on this end of the westcoast..hope you are enjoying yours too...lovelly photograph and thoghts

  7. SUN-tastic.
    Kim, check out the NASA daily astronomy photo web site for fall equinox

  8. A lovely image. Our sunflowers lasted well into Winter this year.

  9. Amazing photo! Those shining petals bring some magic into the picture so one can watch it endlessly.
    Absolutely stunning!

  10. What a stunning photo to close the summer season!!

  11. nice colors on all your stuff, but especially this one.

  12. Oh yeah, it's coming this way. Nelson summers are great, for most people - long, hot, dry sunny days - beach, sand, blue skies... Children playing outside until late. It's just that... ummm... ummm... it's too hot and sunny and cheerful for me. I like all the other seasons... Oh well.

  13. It looks like a photo of the sun itself.

  14. "The summer moved on"
    Nice picture!

  15. I absolutely love the colours in this one. It reminds me of my 13th birthday, which was sunflower themed. This is quite striking.


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