
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jones Soda Co.

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Jones Soda Co. is a local Seattle business specializing in natural, organic sodas. The company definitely has a distinctive marketing vibe. Their labels and six pack cartons often feature cool images submitted by artists and photographers. This campaign year I had heard that they were distributing "campaign colas" with labels featuring presidential candidates. I had looked for them at the market several times but had never come across it. I had to drop a family member off at an event in South Lake Union and thought I'd do a photowalk afterward. I came across a colorful Jones Soda truck parked outside the company's loading dock. I was shooting away at the orange door, orange bottles in the upper window and orange truck graphics when the loading dock door suddenly went up and an employee took some trash to the dumpster. He was surprised to see a woman with a tripod clicking away at him in the dark. I said something lame like "there goes my orange door," hoping I didn't seem too weird. I asked him about the business and mentioned how cool their labels were and if the candidate sodas had been discontinued. "Why, no, were there any in particular you were looking for?" ;^) Jones Campaign Colas are available online here. One can even submit a photo and slogan for their own "My Jones" label design. I was also told one can go to the company on Friday's to quench their thirst for organic soda for a mere $00.50 USD.


  1. I believe I saw something about this company on television the other night. The political ones were what they talked about but I don't remember the name of the show.

    I have one active blog My Birds Blog

  2. I love your blog Kim, and this is yet another perfect example of why I do. Your conceptual ideas, eye for detail, stunning photography, research, storytelling, good humor - indeed, joy of life - combine in a stellar publication. I wish I was closer to Seattle.

  3. Cool composition. Isn't Jones the soda with the strange Thanksgiving flavors?

  4. I love the the colors and all the squares in this photo. And of course the glowing orange door! I've seen Jones Soda but not the ones with political labels. I wonder which soda is selling the best?

  5. I like the idea of their labels with anyone being able to submit photos for them. It's just too bad that I don't like their soda (it's WAY to sweet for my tastes). But, I'm not really a soda person anyways.

  6. What? No Sarah Palin or Joe Biden yet?

  7. I really love the color orange.
    Nice shot with that color blue in the sky!

  8. I hear about Jones Soda all of the time, but had never really seen any of it. I'll have to start noticing.

  9. That's a gorgeous vermeil-radiant image - beautiful. Maybe if I ever get back to Seattle I'll have myself one of those long cool Jones Campaign Colas...

  10. I love Jones Soda. Check out two of my posts with Jones Soda in it:

    Great photography, by the way!


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