
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day Cookies

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

We came across these cool presidential candidate likenesses on stenciled iced cookies while at the market last night. Who could resist the urge to celebrate the culmination of two long years of campaigning after laying eyes on these spangled shortbread cookies! Little Rae's Bakery in south Seattle creates and markets some of the most fun and really tasty holiday cookies imaginable (and I think they ship to anywhere). In this "Patriot Pack" complete with a label that urges us to VOTE were red, white, and blue stars and the airbrushed icing portraits of Barack Obama and John McCain in appropriate colors and on the appropriate sides of the box. When I set the box down on the kitchen table where our map of Paris is under glass, McCain was residing on the Right Bank and Obama on the Left ;^). Here is a shot I took while we were sampling them with some milk after dinner. We voted YES, they ARE that good. Happy Election Day to those in the USA!

Thank you to US Elaine, Jilly, and Chuck for feedback on the difficulty with the new embedded comment form not functioning properly. Blogger reports that it sometimes won't work if one has added code to customized the template. I've switched back to the pop up comment dialog box and anticipate no further problems.


  1. Ah-ha, it's working! Thanks Kim.

    I love your post - felt like writing 'only in America' but probably not so. So THE day has arrived. I think I'm as excited as if I were American. Plan on waiting up with my dog to watch the results (you can see how he voted on Menton DP!) Happy Election Day, Kim. And I hope those cookies tasted good. They sure look good.

    People are voting with candy on Monte Carlo DP!

  2. Love 'em you get to bite the head off a politican doesn't get any better than that.

  3. Jilly, thanks! And, boy, Monte Carlo always has class. . .I bet the candies are elegant?

    Mo, LOL! Probably the only way to handle them where they don't leave a bad taste in one's mouth after awhile ;^). Whoever the bakers are, between their flavorful scones and their yummy shortbread cookies, they evidence that they definitely know their art.

  4. Hi Kim! Since this is such a historical election I keep thinking of all the things I might save (tomorrow's newspaper, buttons, stickers, etc) for my great grandkids. These cookies probably won't keep, but they sure are cool.

  5. Well I have seen the candidates on lots of things and some things I can't mention. But this is the first batch of cookies I have seen them on. Impressive.

  6. Little Rae's also makes the world's greatest ginger cookies-Ginger Twinkles. They are addictive!

  7. Hi Kim,

    What a cool find on election day! These cookies are just amazing.

    Happy day today. I just wanted to let you know how happy I am about Barack Obama's election! You must be so proud today!

    Rejoicing with you!

  8. Yumma, yumma. Would have liked to sink my teeth in these. Now I am inspired to bake some cookies today to celebrate Obama's victory.

  9. Now they may make only Obama cookie.


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