
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Troy Laundry South Elevation

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The Troy Laundry facility was the largest in the pacific northwest in 1948. Designed by prolific Seattle architect Victor Voorhees and built in 1927, it is now has landmark status. Thirteen years ago the Seattle Times whose old plant was next door, asked for permission to raze the adjoining laundry to expand and modernize its newspaper plant. The request was denied, appealed, and denied again. So, the Times moved a big part of its operation to Bothel in 2001 and uses part of this building to store newspaper vending machines. The rest lies vacant. This southern wall shows off some of the patterned masonry facade and white terracotta architectural elements. Click here for some other views.


  1. We can go on and on about heritage preservation. What I find amazing is that there are people in the newspaper business, who should know better, who would suggest razing an obviously significant building.

    If any other developer suggested it the papers would make the potential destruction of a heritage building front page news. It's a hypocritical world.

  2. I love the light you caught on this. The colors are wonderful.

  3. Wayne, it was some time ago they were trying to maximize their space among all the adjascent buildings they owned for a plant revision, and when permission was denied they solved their problem by moving to the burbs at the top of Lake Washington. They still own the building. Maybe with the development around that neighborhood they will someday be inspired to restore the laundry building to a worthy use if they haven't already got something in the works. Can you say live work lofts, boys and girls? Sure you can! :-).

    Thank you Ms. Elaine. It was one of those magical afternoons I wish would go on and on.

  4. I hope it does have a better future. If the rest of the building looks as good as this photo, it's a waste to remain primarily unused.

  5. There could be so many better things done with this building than turning it into a storage unit. I'm glad to hear the Seattle Times' request was denied...TWICE!!! More power to those who chose to make that decision. May they help that building live to its potential, too.


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