
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cool Late Afternoon Light

Cool Late Afternoon Light

Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing. No copying or use allowed.

After spending the better part of the day helping a friend move from Bellevue to Seattle, we went for a late lunch in South Lake Union. As we were leaving the restaurant I was floored by the blue light tinting the entire city to match the icy winds coming from the south. What you are seeing here is the water of Lake Union and boats in one of the many marinas around the lake. In the background you can see the city's towers along with a TON of cranes. There is a huge amount of new construction in the South Lake Union neighborhood, including's new campus.


  1. Gorgeous the color! Although it looks cold! Glad to see you survived the snow!

  2. Great blues indeed. I understand why you stopped to shoot it.

  3. Blue is my favorite color so of course I love this shot.

  4. beautiful shot! like the composition...

    the water must be freeezing though :)

  5. Amazing. I like to think that, as an ever-aspiring photographer, I am learning via osmosis by visiting your fantastic blog each day. Does that work? :)

    Kim - thanks for the comment on my blog! And for reading! It is fun to connect with you.



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