
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Escape Artist

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It took three or four tries before the photographer, giant puppet held aloft, and an "elf" wrangler could coax this little guy to stay in the chiar long enough to snap a shot where he wasn't in motion and was looking toward the camera. In fact, click here to see how Santa had to sneak in behind him without being noticed in order to get somthing approaching the archetypal shot, cuz there was no way this child was going to sit on anyone's lap. He may only be two or so, but his thinking made perfect sense to me, too. I'm all for photos, and I'm all for fun and tradition, but sitting with a santa is a lot less frazzling for all concerned if it happens because it is the child's idea. The child was a happy camper when he left with his treat, though. He never knew he'd had his picture taken with Santa! Apparently I wasn't the only person who thought his antics cute!

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