
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Scrooge at Dawn

space needle at dawn, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

Well, first of all, I hope everyone is having a great Christmas. And I know that I should be posting something Christmasy . Well, I don't mean to be a Scrooge, but I don't feel like doing that. Instead, I'm stuck in the past, specifically, the morning when the clouds at dawn were ablaze in colors that probably hadn't been invented yet. Ask Kim - she'll vouch for me. She was out taking shots on the same morning and she'll tell you it really looked like this - no Photoshop (which I don't even have)! This was the JPG right out of the camera. When Nature gives you a gift like this, you don't argue; you take it and say thank you. Oh darn - I wrote something Christmasy after all!

NOTE: My name is not Kim. Kim is away on vacation, as explained by her on the 19th. All photos posted on this blog beginning on the 20TH have been courtesy of Yours Truly. Don't worry, though - Kim will be back soon. :-)


  1. Beautiful shot, Kim. I agree. . . not too much in the holiday spirit these days. . . .

    Many, many blessings at this holiday season.

    i apologize for such limited commenting lately (and for this cut-and-paste today). Life has gotten in the way.


  2. Dear Kim Happy holidays!
    I wish you lots of happiness and great moments in the new year!

  3. @ Chris: Sorry to be a stickler for detail, but Kim didn't take this shot - I did. As explained earlier, Kim is away on vacation and I am standing in for her. You'll notice also that the copyright notice on this and other recent photos is different. Anyway, Happy Holidays to you!

  4. Penseroso, this is indeed a beautiful photo. The colors are great as is the composition.

    Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy healthy new year.

  5. What a spectacular sky. Very well done Ervin.

  6. You are doing a great job substituting for Kim. This photo is an award winner. I am sure the novelty of the snow has worn sure has here and I know we didn't have near as much as you have. Hang in there...a thaw is coming.

  7. With a photo like this, you can be Scrooge any time. Kim was right - you are a great photographer! Loved the cat greeter.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and Kim.

  9. absolutely brilliant photo... It's the beauty of the Northwest.

  10. Beautiful! I love it when the colors actually translate on film (or digital) as brilliant as they are to the naked eye.


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