
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Twinkling on the Hill

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Each December one of the broadcasting companies decorates its tall tower, one of three atop Queen Anne Hill. There are another three on Capitol Hill, all twinkle somewhat, but this one adorned with holiday lights goes into overdrive like a la Tour Eiffel wannabe :-).


  1. I bet this shows up from a long, long way.

  2. At first glance I thought you had a picture of the top of Tokyo Tower.

  3. Well as you know , I love la tour so very much, but this is a dandy wannabe! It gets my vote. I love Christmas lights!!!!

  4. I miss Christmas in Seattle and love how the city "dresses up." To me, it just isn't Christmas without the gray and the rain, either. But it looks like you guys got some snow!

  5. like eiffel tower in paris :)


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