
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Basement Windows

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Looking slightly uphill along a Belltown neighborhood street, a figure is waiting at the corner ahead. This is a typical Seattle sidewalk scene on a cold day like the one yesterday that began with a light dusting of snow.


  1. Love this point of view, Kim. Love the echoes of red. And the solitary figure with her bag. Nice shot.

  2. you have taken some really great artsy shots. I love your Way through Darkness. I look forward to more great photos.

  3. I love the depth of field. Great shot!

  4. I love the perspective and color in this shot!

  5. Ahh the perfect repetition and depth of field. Nice one Kim, as always. The shot below is awesome as well.

  6. Thank you so much to everyone for your very kind comments. And welcome to Julie in Scottsdale! Hope you are enjoying the CDPB community.


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