
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Seattle Celebration Cookies


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Seattle is gearing up for literally thousands of parties this coming Tuesday, and specialty food suppliers have been getting ready for months. Little Rae's Bakery has followed up its special November election day cookies which featured the likenesses of McCain and Obama with their inauguration celebration offering, " The First Family" shortbread cookies. They seem huge at 4 inches. The president, first lady, daughters and as yet unknown new family dog are pictured in red and blue food coloring. The label reads, "Have a great 4 years!"


  1. These are too funny Kim! So, the real question, how do (did) they taste???

  2. Fingers crossed this presidency doesn't crumble like the proverbial cookie.

  3. Those cookies are too cute to eat! Wonderful idea and great photo! Enjoy Jan. 20th!

  4. It's an element of America that always strikes me as odd. All the historical baggage about escaping the shackles of royalty and the cult of personality, yet the pageantry and pomp invested in the Presidency is reminiscent of the courts of a Europe long gone (with a modern, ‘celebrity’ twist, of course).

    I couldn’t imagine anyone buying biscuits with the Australian Prime Minister on them. I do remember that you used to be able to get John Howard toilet paper though...

  5. 1st family cookies! what a great idea. I think the dog should be named QM. Wonderful find.

  6. Curious to see if they taste good; four inches, four years! I kind of wish they'd have made eight-inch cookies, optistically, if Obama manages to set America straight!

  7. Crazy idea eating these cookies, but I can understand why people want to share their enthousiasm in all kinds of ways. The bakery and maybe the folks who buy these. Good on them.

  8. Japanese tourists would love to buy them as their souvenir if they learn about this cookies. This may be a good topic to write about for my blog in Japanese (


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