
Monday, February 02, 2009

The Couple

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Babooshka mentioned wanting to see further down yesterday's passage in Post Alley, and this is just out from under the passage (across from the figure of the woman in yesterday's shot). This was taken on a different day and I was tucked in across the alley from the Alibi Room's sign. The couple emerged from the darkened doorway just as I was shooting a bit around the corner of the gum wall, he with rose in hand, she moving in a hurry toward the Market. I guess they are used to people with camera's ogling the gum wall across the alley. Around that sticky color splotched corner is the Market Theater and the main gum wall's ever-changing spontaneous participatory "exhibit" which I showed you here and here before.


  1. I was going to say that I actually like this colorful graffiti. Then I read your commentary. Eew.


  2. Very colorful gum wall. Only in Seattle, um! MB

  3. Gum. Don't tell me that's chewing gum. I liked it before I read it. But I guess that makes it more "special".

  4. Gorgeous picture, as always. Next time I'm in Seattle, I'll go to Post Alley again...

  5. Maybe I'm missing something but I can't see the couple. And the copyright is chopped off too. Did the couple get cut out with the copyright with my smaller resolution (1024x768) at work?

  6. Ive never seen this wall during any of my visits to seattle. Ill have to check it out and maybe could chew some gum and add to the art. Is that allowed?

  7. Colorful and unusual wall, the alley looks great!

  8. It's even better than I imagined. Now I have so many more questions. The gum wall, that is fascinating. The red brick I associate so much with the UK, but the tunnelled effect from yesterday is very mainland Europe. The way you've shot it too is very 3D. I would be in my element here. Really appreciate the follow up on this.

  9. I saw this wall for the first time this year, at night, with a bunch of people around. It's nice that you've isolated it for us to "enjoy". The photo comes out fine for me Al.

  10. I remember a wall like this in San Luis Obispo. I love this p hoto, and I love how someone made hearts with their gum....sticky, sticky.

  11. Haha! We have a street corner where all the power poles are covered with gum. I call them our gum trees. You certainly have us beat!


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