
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Drunkard's Path Redux

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The curve of Benaroya Hall, seen through a window in the lobby of the famous downtown symphony space, reminded me of the patchwork shape known as Drunkard's Path. If you'd like to see a really inspirational series of abstracts of building shapes against the sky, take a look at Bleeding Orange's current shots at Grenoble Daily Photo. Happy Sunday, everyone. Hope your Sunday is looking up!


  1. Wonderful frame within a frame within a frame.

  2. I have a book about taking quilting ideas from architecture. Here, it appears, architecture has borrowed from quilting. It is a perfect capture.

  3. Brattcat, thanks!

    Kateney, What book is that? Thanks.

  4. I love the window-within-a window-within-a-window that's going on here.

  5. It is a very Bleeding Orange image you have made your own.


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