
Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Cherry Blossoms

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The very first blossoms on my neighbor's cherry tree (we cut ours down three years ago. . .sigh). Soon Seattle will be awash in spring colors. For now, the trees are still bare against the blue skies and snow crowns the mountain ranges in clear view.


  1. I was fortunate enough to be in Seattle last spring and I had forgotten how beautiful it is. Won't make it now in the spring, but I hope you'll continue posting some springy-ness photos. This one is beautiful.

  2. This is beautiful and Unique,for the moment...
    But fortunately in a month,we will see them blossom all around the Blogosphere.

  3. Is it that time of year already? I've been feeling badly the last couple of days. Maybe it's the cherry tree blossoms... Thus begins my love/hate relationship with spring. Beautiful shot!

  4. How delicate and beautiful! Hope it doesn't freeze again.

  5. Time for some amateur science: visit Project BudBurst and record your observations.

    Nice pic, btw ;-)

  6. "One swallow does not make a summer."
    But I am shure, spring will come soon. I like the color contrast so much.

  7. Sigh! It'll be two months, almost before we see anything like that here in Montana. I need a Seattle fix!


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