
Friday, February 27, 2009

Seattle Hood Ornament

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Perhaps only in the Pacific Northwest would a car owner replace their hood ornament with a leaping salmon. :-) I did a disbelieving double take as we pulled up alongside this black car, then hurriedly whipped out the camera and tried to focus. We were at a stop light and I was riding shotgun and poked the lens under the poor driver's chin! Happy blue sky Friday everyone!


  1. This is too cool. I could see this in Alaska, too!

  2. Hahaha! I would have done the same. Nice catch!

  3. Kim, you are just so good. Nice 'catch', indeed, Maya. <-:

  4. he/she has a sense of humor:)

  5. That's great! I wonder what the story behind the salmon is, other than it's a symbol of the Northwest...

  6. Good job under trying circumstances! That is pretty funny!

  7. I know you're not fishing for a compliment, but that's a really neat photo, Kim!

  8. Great capture, Kim. I adore hood ornaments, esp. the old ones, but this one is truly unique!

  9. well spotted and well caught - a bit of photo-tickling there!

  10. Oh, that's hilarious! And you're right: only in the PNW!


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