
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dog Knows

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

She's listening while he sees. Here is another reason many folks step outside these days: to take a phone call. The striking black and white faced dog caught my eye as he watched me passing by Yesler Terrace on First Hill. The nation's first racially integrated public housing project is 70 years old now and home to over 1100 residents. It will be redeveloped in the next two to five years into mixed income single and multi-family housing, and current projections say it will be a convenient and well-designed urban village that will house 3000 to 5000 residents when complete. Current residents have sought provision that at least an equivalent number of of low income units will be acommodated in the building plans and that any residents wishing to stay may have the opportunity to live in the redeveloped housing.


  1. I used to sell real estate and that area was so interesting to watch. So many interested in developing but so many scared of the outcome. Somewhat of a touchy subject you know? Many folks feel like they're being pushed out but a lot of folks feel like there is new opportunity.

    The dog seems to know something no one else does. I like that about this picture.

  2. Very interesting post, Kim. I did not know this was the nation's first racially integrated public housing. This neighborhood is one I will also explore this summer.

  3. That thoughtful dog has a leash attached. Perhaps he's thinking about a walk.

  4. Fine condition were captured. Congratulations. Best regards.

  5. I love the dog! Just patiently waiting and looking out for his friend.

  6. Man's best friend. You have such a way with catching life unfolding.

  7. I love this one, too! Virginia's right - you have an eye for catching LIFE. The dog seems to know you're there - while she's oblivious.

    The story behind this housing area is fascinating. Thanks for sharing. I do hope the current residents are given a reasonable chance to stay there.

  8. Interesting post. Wish the dog weren't attached to a leash. I wonder why that is necessary when he's inside a fenced in balcony?


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