
Monday, March 30, 2009

Neck and Neck

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

. . .but the Clipper won this race with the Washington State Ferry :-). The Victoria Clipper is a passenger ferry that can get you from Seattle to the beautiful city of Victoria, BC, Canada (see Benjamin's fantastic VDP blog for daily proof) in just 2 1/2 to 3 hours. It is not a car ferry, and most travelers don't mind at all as Victoria is a very walkable city with great public transit. One can also get to Victoria by driving aboard a BC Ferry from just below Vancouver, BC or points north (I love them, they are so grand and comfortable) and driving to Victoria after disembarking on Vancouver Island. Ferries are a pleasant way of life here on Puget Sound, but have grown much more expensive than in my college days when many of us found them to be a great place to study.


  1. I would take the Victoria Clipper. I'm off now to check out Victoria Daily.

  2. Is the light in the evening or morning? With great light and the sea.

  3. The lights across the water almost look like a flow of lava. You manage somehow to make your city playful at times. That's a great gift.

  4. BC Ferries are cheap enough if you're a walk-on but they're very expensive if you're in your vehicle.

    It's nice to see the P-I sign is still lit. Is that going to remain as a landmark or is it doomed?

  5. Love the pic. The lights in the background are fantastic.

  6. What a great idea ! I'd love to give it a try. YOur photo is gorgeous with the lights and the boats. Wow!

  7. Yes. Thank you for also capturing the globe of our sadly-departed Post-Intelligencer. Three Seattle City Council members are trying to get it recognized as a landmark to protect it. It's definitely been part of my life.

  8. Great shot. A friend from California was just asking about the Ferry to Victoria. Now I know--sorta of. MB

  9. Just what I imagine, thinking of Seattle...

  10. Lovely photo, Kim, and one to remind me I just may 'clip' up to Victoria this summer.

  11. I absolutely love this photo. Wow. Its funny how life in Seattle for so many of us means not seeing t that often. I live blocks aware from water but rarely make it down there.


  12. As a victoria local the one advantage of the bc ferry option is that they have about 12 sailings a day compared to one or two by other options. And Seattle is only a 3 hr drive fom tsawwassen. Or a 3 hr drive from Port angeles to seattle. The Coho runs twice a day from port angeles to victoria. Its a great ride for a day trip to victoria.


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