
Saturday, March 21, 2009

View Finder and View

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I stumbled upon a really fun interactive art installation mounted on a First Hill wall. There is quite a view of downtown Seattle and Elliott Bay from this vantage point. Each of the artworks (view all at More Seattle Stuff) is by a different artist and each frames a portion of the view. Below the viewfinder is the artist's rendition of the landmark or point of interest framed in view above. This one captures Seattle's Municipal Tower (did they get a good likeness? Here is a photo I took in February). Such a fun concept, allowing visitors to play I Spy with common sights.


  1. That is sooo interesting. I've never seen anything quite like it. And Seattle is such a beautiful city!

  2. Fabulous idea to combine art and Seattle views! And your photo really makes me want to come see this exhibit; I like the distant building in soft focus. The art piece almost looks like a funky robot wearing a bib.

  3. What a great idea. I want to do it as well!

  4. That is a super idea. I want to look too. MB

  5. Wouldn't it be great to mount an exhibit with these works of art and different photographers' treatments of the shots they took through the viewfinders?


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