
Monday, April 06, 2009

No Extra Charge for Laughter

Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I'm riding shotgun with a teen driver quite a bit these days, and it offers me opportunities to nab candid shots in passing. We were going past Rudy's, a popular haircutters with a few Seattle locations (this one on Phinney Ridge). The stylist's and client's animated smiles immediately caught my eye, so I offer you this series. She didn't spy me until the last shot. Was your last hair cut this much fun? I got a cut last week at my regular salon across town and it's a great cut and my stylist is pleasant and very skilled, but I don't recall haircuts having this kind of fun factor. At least not since a cut I got a long time ago at an out of the way salon on Taravel Street in San Francisco from a guy named Rudy (coincidentally!) that a friend had referred me to. He had so much fun while he was cutting my hair, he was literally dancing around the chair and singing along to booming music as he worked. He was great, too, and not as high priced as some of the downtown salons. I had quite a mane and he worked magic with it. I remember people on the streetcar and in a restaurant stopped me to ask where I got my hair cut. Maybe when you are really good at what you do you are extra happy doing it? Rudy was, and this stylist seems to be I hope whatever you are working at today that there is a bit of fun factor involved and great things to smile about.


  1. I love this series, Kim! And how fun that a large caricature was hung in the background between the first and last shots ~ almost like they knew and decided to dress the set for you!

    I've tried a little place near us for my last couple of cuts ~ they don't take appointments, you just take your chances. The first cutter was the original owner, a divine, gregarious little button in her 50s who knew the name of every client and half the people who walked past the shop! She waved her hands around and laughed the whole time. The next was a sweet 18 year old who chatted non-stop and likewise, had heaps of fun. The cuts cost half what I'd been paying elsewhere and were the best I've had in a long time!

  2. I've been thinking a lot about ordinary wonders lately. You know, the little things that we forget are magical because we're not paying attention. This is one of those ordinary wonders. Loving what you do, sharing joy with someone over something as mundane as a haircut. And you joining in the fun by capturing the moment for posterity. Magic!

    Thanks for this, Kim!

  3. Good luck with that new driver, Kim. This is a wonderful few moments you captured. Wouldn't it be fun if someone driving beside you captured your experience of sitting shot-gun in a similar series?

  4. You're riding with a teenage driver and are relaxed enough to take pictures???? I was always white knuckling it gripping the door handle and/or dashboard!!

    The girl that cuts my hair loves Paris and has been more than I have. We have some big fun comparing sites. Great shots today. Love the series!

  5. I see she spotted you. A nice series of shots. a lesson learned---let's have fun!! MB

  6. Ha, she really does look like she is having some serious fun, as does her customer. Nicely spotted.

  7. Lol, I hate going to the hairdresser's (except for the skull massage bit!), this would be fun. I don't know when I'll next be in Seattle, I'll let you know.

  8. Great series of photos and story to boot. My last haircut was a bit of a disaster, I don't think I was laughing when I got out, not even smiling. Oh well, I smile about it now ! :-)

    I loved your Yellow collage, you're so good at such compositions. Kudos too for spotting the beautiful geometry in your "on hold" shot.

    And then the Seattlennes! Ha, perfect match for les parisiennes. I had no idea the "in" hairstyle was Michele O. but it makes sense. I read an article about the way the Obamas were affecting America's diet, amazing !!!

  9. Shell, I think it was that the car had moved so that more of the interior of the shop was visible, rather than them quickly decorating :-). Glad you've found a good bargain. I've not been lucky that way yet!

    Laurie, Loved reading your thoughts. You are such a great writer!

    Good gravy, Brattcat, don't be giving anyone ideas! I like my anonymity :-) I did have one guy follow me home after one of my photoshoots once. I figured he was interested in finding out where the camera gear resided for future theft reference, so once I noticed him following I turned down a few odd streets and drove into a random driveway.

    V., I was apprehensive about how I'd do before we started. I've only had a couple white knuckle moments, and have done better than I thought I might. I remember my mom sucking air when I first drove. This is a kid that grew up in Cali where we measured travel distance in time rather than milage :-), and since age 2 this one was my primary frequent road trip companion (my parents lived in a remote desert area 11 hours away). Seems like the driving skills have come very naturally. I've also found some of our best conversations happen while driving.

    Thanks Steffe!

    Ciel de Quimper, yes, the head massage is wonderful.

    Nathalie, Well, thank you so much! I guess we all have our unfortunate cuts now and again. One nice thing about hair is it is just hair and grows out.

    Re. the collage, There is little to no control where the images get placed in the mosaic program. I tag my photos so that they are searchable, and once I'd pulled up all the shots with yellow, I culled them to the number allowed in the mosaic, then just put them in date order and hoped for the best.:-}

    Thanks to each of you for coming by and commenting,

  10. Oh, Kim ~ now I get it. I did wonder how they managed to whip it up there so fast! That's a creepy story about someone following you home. Lucky you twigged and you handled it very sensibly.

    And Laurie, so true. There's so much to be grateful for.


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