
Monday, April 13, 2009

Zen Monday

Zen Monday

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This photo is in the spirit of Petrea Burchard's Pasadena Daily Photo Monday photo series, Zen Monday's, where she encourages "you [to] experience the photo and give us your thoughts rather than me telling you what the photo's about."


  1. Well, I'll skip the first thing this photo reminded me of, and say instead that it looks like a model airplane someone's aiming for an open window!

  2. To be honest, I'm not sure how "zen" this photo is. The first thing that came to mind was pictures from 9/11.

  3. I usually skip photos like these because I find them chillingly similar to the 9/11 tragedy. I'll check the Pasadena Link, tho, to see what you are highlighting.

  4. I have to agree with the others, but then I just watched a documentary about two of the 9/11 widows who went on to help the widows of Afghanistan, so that may be at the front of my mind right now.

  5. I thought of 9/11 also. Then I thought....this photo would have been so routine on 9/10/2001.

  6. I find this a disturbing image to have posted. I find it even difficult to watch an aeroplane fly through a silhouette of a city skyline.

  7. I'll try for something that has no chance of raising painful associations if I do this again. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

  8. Bad feelings. I didn't even want to open up your blog and comment. That is how I felt. MB

  9. Kim, painful associations are valid though. Art would be no good if it were always safe.

    Let's just say that ten years ago, my first thoughts wouldn't have been the same!

    I for one like the image, and the troubling aspect doesn't detract, it provokes reflection. This shouldn't be a bad thing.

  10. Kim, I have to agree with Kris. Unpleasant associations are not always a bad thing. I too thought of 9/11, and it made my heart stop. But then, I was reminded of all the heroic actions by American's on that day. We need to remember, well done.

  11. It did raise the obvious in a chilling way, but then noting the optimistic blue sky I felt a warm tingle. Bowed but not beaten.

  12. Of course, I, too, thought of 9/11 at first look. But, then, I felt a sense of relief knowing that this plane landed safely and no one was hurt in the process. Life goes on and we should take these reminders to pray for those whose lives were affected that day and for an end to terrorism and war.


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