
Sunday, May 03, 2009

Hexagon Tile Washrooms

XY XX Tile Washrooms

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

If you followed yesterday's neon sign down the staircase, you would have found the charming hexagon tile mosaics telling you the ladies and gents washrooms are just through that entryway. Beyond is a tile floor with a border detail, a large XX just outside the door marked women only. That's odd, because XX signifies male and XY female. Hmmmm. Maybe we'd better go a little further down the passage way and see if Bibi's magician who turns $1 bills into $20s is still there, just a little further down the passageway. This may take some magic :-).


  1. Kim: Thanks for giving us the unexpected instead of the obvious. Or perhaps the bathrooms are the obvious but not from the artistic perspective.
    Karen/Svenska Studios

  2. great shot! i love the angles in it.
    but i do believe xx is female and men have an x and a y chromosome. i could be wrong though.

  3. Cool shot!
    It just like a movie scene.

  4. I've always loved these tiled guys. Unfortunately, not being a Seattle native, I always find them crowded with people and have never been able to get a full shot.

    Does the violin guy still play? The one who mounts it to a pouch in his belt and plays it like a cello?

  5. Love the honeycomb tiles. Fun stuff.

  6. I have always been intrigued by this bathroom in the Market (?) and have a photo of the double x's. If you find my magician, take the twenty when you get it and RUN!

  7. Public bathrooms are not somewhere I want to normally spend too much time, but this is such a curious looking place I'd make an exception.

  8. Cool tiles. Young Hero is right - xx is female, xy is male.

  9. Oh great! Wayne was right. He won't be fit to live with now.

  10. Okay, sorry, my bad. I thought it was women XX men XY, but looked it up to verify, and thought I'd remembered it wrong when I read the info on the web, but must have read it wrong or mixed it up in my head. Makes the floor seem very clever to me. Someone with a sense of humor laid those tiles! Thanks a bunch, guys for letting me know.

  11. I am so impressed that such an effort was made to make these public restrooms interesting. Great shot! Love the way you framed that person between Mr. and Mrs. Mosaic

  12. I love random acts of art in surprising locations.


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