
Saturday, May 09, 2009

Time for a Sunhat

Time for a Sunhat

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Pike Place Market vendors share smiles on a late sunny afternoon. After a big storm we are enjoying sunny skies with lovely clouds, clear vistas, and light until about 9:00 last night. Woo hoo! Donning SPF lotion and sunhat for a day in the garden today and a Mother's Day 5K tomorrow at Magnuson Park.


  1. 5 K! Are you a runner or a shooter??:) This photo made me smile Kim. Great capture of these two!

  2. Great shot. It looks like they are having a lot of fun and enjoying the moment.

  3. Smiling faces on a sunny day. Happy Sunday to you, and good luck in the 5K!

  4. A fun shot! Have a happy Mother's Day, Kim. That's one way to work off breakfast.

  5. I can't resist a catchy hat...have lots.

    Nice spontaneous photo!

  6. You've really captured the joy of the moment. It's infectious. I'm sitting here grinning too. That girl under the hat has hair as curly as mine. We curly girls need hats more on rainy days to hide the frizz than sunny days when our curls keep us covered ( : Thanks Kim for your great comments and since I have permission from you I will post a few shots from my travels. Hope it's a perfect day.

  7. Right on the money with this photo -- we are left to wonder if they are laughing about how the hat looks or just enjoying a moment together.

  8. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing nice shots. Happy mother's day!

  9. Other Mikey's Julie /Idaho8:01 PM, May 10, 2009

    Fantastic! I love to see one of my favorite cities through the eyes of another. I am so thankful I found you! 38 days and counting until our trip to your fair city - I look forward to seeing it from a different view this time.

  10. Thanks for stopping in, guys! Brattcat, I'm glad we talked you into it! And re. their laughter, this was one of the rare times I asked a subject if I might take their photo. These women hammed it up for me. Great sports. And Bibi, that's fun to know about your hats. I seem to collect shoes and jackets, but have only two hats. Like Brattcat, I have curls and hats just don't like to fit over them very well.

  11. I like this photo. It looks as though your Mother's Day was action packed. I love the photo of the family.

  12. I love the girls & their hats in the Seattle sun but mostly I'm leaving this comment because it is Wednesday and still the most recent photo is the Sunday Mother's Day photo. I hope you are not ill, Kim! Down here in the ABQ desert, every day I take a look at my so-missed Seattle, and I love your spirit.

  13. Carolyn, thanks, and my apology for the late posts. Life and work are crazy busy right now, and sleep has won out over staying up very late to process photos and post them for you. Thanks for you concern.


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