
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seattlites & Solstice

Seattlites & Sosltice

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

. . .it's an indescribably colorful vibe. The Fremont neighborhood plays host to the exuberant Solstice Parade on this day each year, and the party was still going strong on the sidewalks when I was there after dark. The spirit of big fun and celebration could be seen in a couple other neighborhoods I was in yesterday, as well. For example, I was just walking down the street in Revenna when a dozen or so costumed people tumbled out onto the sidewalk from an open doorway and a guy spontaneously began dancing with me as I was trying to pass. :-) Well, I had to stop and take their picture after that, right? Here are a few of them. They were celebrating a birthday a la 80s theme party and then were heading out on a pub crawl with all the other revelers and colorful characters in town. As lively as Seattle is on this day, I heard ancient Stonehenge drew a crowd of 40,000 for Solstice observance, and probably not a one in body paint! :-)


  1. Oh, I bet there was a bit of body paint at Stonehenge. Maybe a Pict or two. This is a fun group shot. What a lively group.

  2. I just knew you would be in Fremont because i wasn't. It's a crazy time. Everybody having fun. Summer is here. MB

  3. Well Done, Kim. I always like these kind of portraits of people. Very colorful, and lots of character.

  4. Celebration. Vivid colors. Friends. What more could one ask for when taking great shots such as these. Have a great day.

  5. Oh yeah, those people know how to have a good time don't they?

  6. Ooh, spontaneous dancing in the street! You gotta love that!

  7. Costumed? I just htought you had happend on a normal day on Capitol Hill. (Seattle's Capitol Hill--not the other Washington.)

  8. Haha, funny group picture! That area seems to be a very lively neighborhood...


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