
Friday, June 12, 2009

Skywatch: This Stairway to Heaven Closed

This Stairway to Heaven Closed

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This staircase at the Seattle Art Museum's Olympic Sculpture Park climbs to the clouds, literally and figuratively, but you can't go up there just now. The green sandwich board says it is closed for the night. Up top you can walk over to the colorful art installation called "Seattle Cloud Cover," part of a pedestrian walkway over a major railroad corridor. Here we have literal cloud cover at twilight for [swf3.jpg] Friday. Click the link to view skies around the world today.

I will be hosting one of the Seattle Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walks here at the OSP on July 18 from 5:45-7:45 PM with a dinner/dessert get-together after. So, if you will be in town, consider joining us for a fun evening of exploring with our cameras. There is also a SK Photo Walk in the Fremont neighborhood that same evening. Seattle is a photo paradise, so come enjoy. Or check for a SK Worldwide Photo Walk in your city. You might consider hosting one yourself.


  1. Stairway to amazing beautiful sky.
    That deep blue just like Hiroshige Blue.

  2. Oh, what a beautiful picture. It really does look like it's taking you straight up to the clouds above. Great eye!

    It's hot over here, but it'll get worse, just give us another few weeks. It's especially hot to me, since I'm 6 weeks away from my due date! Everything seems hotter!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I always enjoy your comments, and I always enjoy your blog.

  3. An awesome photograph. The worldwide photo walk sounds great. I'll have to check out those links. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  4. Super shot. That sky is very ominous---but still no rain. MB

  5. Very clever and imaginative eye you have to see such a unique photo in such a usual mundane view.
    Well done!

    And thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment, respecting my rights to speak out against someone that does not have our country's best interest's at heart.
    Freedom is never free. And it's always important to never allow anyone to bring opression by limiting free speech.

    We should never feel as if we need to be sheep, following blindly, accepting things as they are.

    No man should be permitted to play God. All Americans should be held accountable for their actions when they affect so many, especially the future of our children.

    Have a beautiful weekend,

  6. That is a gorgeous black sky behind those stairs.

  7. Very creative. Perfect shot.

  8. I'm thinking Stairway to Heaven. Your photo is stunning. Hope all is well. Have a great day/ weekend.

  9. I was at Olympic Sculpture park yesterday too! I took the kids to Myrtle Edwards for the first time. They loved it - but just as we arrived, I broke my camera! It was heartbreaking. It literally fell off my lap and BOUNCED. I've never heard a more horrifying sound! It seems to actually have survived... but how makes a 3 second grinding noise as it starts up. :( My new lens was only 2 months old. :(

  10. Kim: Scott Kelby is lucky to have you on his team. I didn't realize that we could do it at various times during the day on July 18th. I am going back to check out his requirements! Wish I could be in Seattle for this as your walk will be one of the best!

  11. What I wouldn't give to be on your tour!!! Sorry we don't live closer, Kim. This photo is just gorgeous and love the title!

  12. Beautifully lit staircase and an awesome sky! Wonderful photo, Kim.

    And good luck and have fun with the photo walk! I was too late to sign up for Manila's — got filled up so fast. I hope I can join next year.

  13. This is a great perspective, and you captured so many colors ! I love this, great shot !

  14. Very creative and beautify SWF entry

  15. Lovely find ... beautifully photographed and shared ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  16. Love the title of this post and the photograph.

  17. Perfectly splendid post.
    Ooh, I so wish I could be there for your Photo Walk (my K-state on-line Photo class used Kelby's book). I liked seeing your photo on the link too.


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