
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hot Fun In the Summertime

Hot Fun In the Summertime

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Ooooooo yeah! With the hottest temperature on record in Seattle yesterday afternoon (103F at SEATAC airport--104F in my kitchen, and no I wasn't cooking!), people are looking for ways to stay cool. Chuck and his wife had a cool idea for that here at One A Day, Mostly Seattle. And this sk8tr at Seattle Center was definitely cool, effortlessly creating a breeze of passing air for himself. The Muppets seem convinced of an immanent collision, though. Aahhhhhhh! :-) The Jim Henson's Fantastic World exhibit is at the EMP through August 16, and is a slam dunk smash hit (and it's COOL inside one of the coolest museums ever).


  1. Rollin' around and havin' fun! Wahoo!

    Please look at CDP's newest blog from AFGHANISTAN:

  2. Oh, Kim, with those temperatures I'm afraid you were 'cooking'.

  3. Yeah, I think most people--if they could--headed where the was ANY signs of AC. MB

  4. Sizzling photo, Kim! Weather, weather, eek ... I think we may have traded places, as down here in the desert it is as I type at 7:40 am 61 degrees with expected high of 88, and last evening it rained & rained & rained. I've been sending emails to my son, who is renovating the home he & his partner just bought in Seattle (move-in day is Saturday): keep drinking, drinking, drinking--he says he drank a gallon of water at one go.

  5. It really has been something hasn't it? It hit 100 degrees inside where I work yesterday. Hang in there a little longer. We're headed for a little break next week.

  6. I like the concentration on the lower leg in this shot with the muppets looking on. Can we please have a little of your sunshine.


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