
Friday, July 03, 2009

Skywatch: Moon Over the Mountain

Moon Over the Mountain

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Sorry for the late post! Summer life is turning out to be busy. It is Skywatch Friday again. As the moon rose and the ferries came and went, a fire boat on Elliott Bay was spraying water, I know not why. Tomorrow, for the first time since its inception many decades ago, there will be no 4th of July fireworks display over these waters. Ivar's seafood restaurants announced they are discontinuing the sponsorship of the display their founder started. The fireworks over Lake Union will be the only display this year. Sad for us and our neighbors, as we would just put our lawn chairs in the street (we're on a hill) and watch the Elliott Bay display in the distance. Well, here the moon is on display. Click here to see other Skywatch Friday shots from all over.


  1. Oh thanks, thanks! Better than a zillion fireworks, Kim.

  2. A lovely moon over the bay is still a great evening!
    Beautiful colors!

  3. That's a lovely shot. Hear you've been having LOTS of sunshine lately. My husband is heading up on Monday. He'll probably bring some rain with him, hee, hee! Love the lighting on the cranes. Hope you can see some fireworks tomorrow night. Happy 4th!

  4. This is the best! And to have captured the fireboat waterworks - splendid.

  5. No more 4th of JulIver's. How sad. That's a tradition that goes back a long time. Well enjoy your 4th just the same.

  6. Fascinating view! Those cranes certainly create a skyline of their own! And love the mountain shape apparently sitting in the sky!

  7. What a great view. Excellent shot.

  8. There's something very far eastern about the mountain, the moon, and the veil of mist in this shot. Beautiful.

  9. It's sad about the fireworks tradition ending, but this is beautiful sky all on its own!

    Happy 4th to you and yours, Kim.

  10. Im glad i found your blog page..i used to live in lynnwood, WA for 10 years. And having to leave the place that i call home makes me sad....but looking at your daily photos from different places around the puget sound makes my day!.. Are you ever going to take a flick around lynnwood anytime soon?...Happy 4th of july


  11. What can I add Kim, but flat out gorgeous. The pop of red is just great too. Happy 4th!

  12. This is a "Wow!"'s got everything, from water, to city, to mountain to moon...fantastic!

  13. Wow, what an excellent photo of the mountain. I took a few photos of it while over there but not with this light and not with the moon hanging over it!

  14. Awesome photo of a very beautiful area of our state.
    Happy 4TH.

  15. Beautiful shot. It looks like the mountain is floating.

  16. No fireworks? Really? Well, I guess I didn't miss out on as much as I thought by having my first day in Geneva be on the 4th! I'm glad I got some good shots last year!

  17. Nice study in contrasts, Kim - a lot of action in this shot!

  18. Wow, thanks so much, guys! And Maya, it was just the one fireworks show that was called off, the big one on Lake Union went off with a lotta bang and was wonderful!

  19. Wow, that is breathtaking, what a great photo!!


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