
Tuesday, July 07, 2009



Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

One of Seattle's most well-received chef-owned restaurants is Volterra near the top end of old Ballard Avenue. It is named for the hilltop town in Tuscany where the owners were married and from where they derive inspiration for the heart of their Italian menu. I have loved the food, of course, but especially the great wait staff and the artful touches of the very welcoming interior design, like the handmade art glass windows along the top of main dining room's back wall. It's a place for people to gather and enjoy each other's company and good food. The bright citrus drew my attention to this couple wearing the cool hats at the counter. I would have zoomed in for a more tightly composed shot, but I had a fixed lens and I liked the feeling of spaciousness it conveyed and the way the elements running left from the pendant lamps to the large framed piece to the three framed pieces to the panel door drew my eye, and the fan telling me its a hot day in Seattle. This was after lunch time but before the dinner hour, so seating was easy to come by indoors or out. . .not usually the case!

Hey, I just looked at the calendar and realized Seattle Daily Photo turns 3 years old tomorrow. Come back by to help celebrate!


  1. Very nice shot. For a minute, I thought you had headed to beautiful Volterra in Tuscany on vacation!

  2. Love this shot. Haven't tried Volterra, but I'll make the trip. And congrats on the milestone.

  3. You have a great eye. a

  4. The guy looks like Jason Mraz.

  5. She's got the most amazing face, and I love the balance of that glass container of citrus fruit against the blood colored walls.


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