
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sidewalk Trio

Sidewalk Trio

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Three friends heading out together down the sidewalk into the summer afternoon. Most of Seattle's shopping streets are experiencing transition and this storefront was receiving a makeover. Might have made a more fun photo to see their reflections in a window as they passed. It might interest you to know that it is legal to ride bicycles on the public sidewalks here in Seattle; I'm not so sure about motorcycles, though. :-) (Don't worry, it wasn't running).


  1. -:)) The answer is no, not legal. Motorcycle , scooter, moped ... any licensed for the road motorized vehicle. Parking on the sidewalk is another story, though, and subject to pretty broad interpretation. Sometimes it flies ... and other time you may well be ticketed. I, personally, have had no tickets ... but there are no guarantees. Great image, Kim!

  2. Do you remember when boys carried the girl's books home from school? I love that the way you play with that in this shot. These girls can 'hold their own' beside the boy with a bike. Great shot.

  3. My first thought when I looked at this photo was that you'd never see this in Los Angeles. But that's not true. You would--the fashions, the motorcycle. Nothing unusual. What's so completely different about it is the light. This could not be southern California. It's lush.


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