
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

iPhone Wednesday #10: Hammering Man Stopped


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I thought you might like to see the Seattle Art Museum's 48 foot high animated "Hammering Man" as a follow up on yesterday's "Coffee Drinking Man." Hammering Man actually hammers four times a minute except at night when he rests. He also gets Labor Day off every year, but this year he's been broken for the last month or so, so is getting a good sabbatical and just taking in the view, posing for photos and the like :-). There are other Hammering Man installations around the globe. The one in Seoul is the tallest at 72 feet, and there are many others of varying sizes in Frankfurt, Basel, Dallas, NYC, Gainsville, Minneapolis, La Jolla, and Los Angeles. This is the 10th in my iPhone Wednesday series, where I take and edit the shot using just the iPhone and its applications. The fun lettering is a photo app called "Nabbed."


  1. Great follow up. Cool lettering too.

  2. well, i'd hammer in the mooornin! Fun shot!

  3. Well, everybody gets tired after a while. I remember once before he had a problem with his arm.

    I like 'Nabbed.' Will check it out.

  4. I really have to get going with my IPhone.

  5. FUN! I like the letter app but have no clue about Iphones! Great shot Kim.

    My WV is REDON. Perhaps this guy's innards need to be REDON! HA

  6. I have always liked that Hammering Man. They had better fix him fast. MB

  7. He must be very happy to have gotten a long vacation after all these years! :)

  8. I just saw the one in Basel and did a double take! I didn't realize there were others.

  9. I just saw the one in Basel and did a double take. I didn't realize there was more than one!


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