
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

iPhone Wednesday #11: First Day of Fall

iPhone Wednesday #11:  First Day of Fall

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Temps were in the mid 80s F here in Seattle yesterday, the first day of autumn. Leaves are beginning to turn on trees as well as the vines clinging to the exterior of the brutalist architecture of North Seattle Community College in the Licton Springs neighborhood. This shot was taken and edited last evening on my iPhone.

Looks like Ming the Merciless in Bangor, Maine, and Chuck here in Seattle are joining me this week for iPhone Wednesday.


  1. Love the colors. Very nice addition to IPhone Wednesday.

  2. Love the angle and palette of this. Beautiful shot.

  3. Kim, lovely image. The vibrancy you've achieved is wonderful! My favorite time of the year!!

  4. Autumn coming indeed, to bad that these lovely colors only stay for a week or so..

  5. Oh wow! The colors have turned in Seattle already. I haven't seen much changes here yet.

  6. BSqaured and Bratcatt, thanks very much!

    Chuck, thanks! I'm glad you and Ming are posting one this week again! I just noted to put a link. The maples and liquid ambers and the vines are just starting to turn over at North. The sun was shining through the leaves, making them glow like lanterns.

    MaCoBra, Thanks for stopping in and commenting! The colors seem to last from now through November here, and it's a bit early. Most trees are still green.

    Bibi, that's fun! They were vivid and caught my eye for sure.

    Ming, this variety turns a bit earlier than others. Most trees are still pretty green. . .a litle yellowing. That vine on the building will go totally red before losing its leaves for the winter. You are going to have the autumn of your life up there! I hope you'll treat us to lots of October outdoors shots!

  7. I would have never guessed you could end up with such a great photo from an iPhone. This really came out nice Kim.

  8. Thanks Don. I have to admit the Photogene is your friend :-).

  9. A super shot (iPhone or not)!!


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