
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Street Youth

Street Youth

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A young woman and her cat were sitting at a downtown corner and I was amazed at how calm the cat remained despite traffic sounds and people moving all about. I have a similarly handsome black cat, and he would have been cowering under the nearest available shelter if he'd heard even a smidgen as much noise. She told me she had hand raised her cat since it was a small kitten and that he was very used to the downtown bustle. His name is Cybin (as in Psilocybin), and he wears a little sweater harness and leash to keep him safe. It's obvious why he is a very contented companion with such a sweet person caring for him. A moment later his eyes were closed in a very contented expression and he was purring away. Info on help for Seattle's street youth is here, and Katia, a photographer I have admired for years who loves and works with street youth has this blog and uses donations for direct aid.


  1. I might have entitled this post: "Pretty in fur."

  2. Awww, both girl and cat are very cute and calm looking.

  3. A cool cat. So this young girl is homeless?

  4. This is such a beautiful shot, Kim. You make us want to reach out to both the girl and her cat. I wonder how many of us actually will.

  5. Interesting name for a cat, though I do know where she is coming from, just not my style.
    Cute cat, I like his little jacket.
    I had to read both the links to see what you meant by street youth. She has a nice smile. I find words fail me with some situations.

  6. I find the whole dressing your cat up and taking it for a walk a bit bizarre... but it's a fabulous shot!

  7. Bless you, Kim. Years ago, I was a mom whose son, then himself on the edge, had friends on the street. In the ensuing years I have learned much from his compassion. Thanks so much, for caring and for showing it in this beautiful photo of a loving young woman and her kitten.

  8. You found some beautiful models, and told us a story that whereever we are we will take with us today. Thanks!

  9. This is a really sweet portrait of kitty and mistress. I love the cat's garb. Bibi is freaked by city noises, a real sissy.

  10. How beautifully well he is loved and cared for. So touching. My little black cat would be cowering like yours, Kim!

  11. Great portrait, Kim. It is both joyful and sweet. I have a friend who faithfully helps cook and serve food to street youth in a beautiful church in Minneapolis. I think that she get great satisfaction from her voluhnteer work. And the meals are close to gourmet!!


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