
Friday, October 09, 2009

Skywatch: I See The Moon

I See The Moon
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
". . .and the moon sees me. God bless the moon and God bless me." A nursery rhyme our little daughter said nearly every night on seeing the moon. This was Seattle's view of last night's waning gibbous, as seen from our driveway. This is a color shot, and I had to wait several times for wispy clouds to pass. It's Skywatch Friday, and here is the link to enjoy skies around the globe.


  1. Last night while we were having dinner on our terrace, I looked across the urban landscape at a well-illuminated building. There's a lot of building going on, and at the end of the building, there seemed to be a large, reddish neon sign. I asked my son, "What's that big sign?" He replied, "That's the moon, mother!" I rushed for my camera...will check the results soon on the big screen!

  2. Wow, Kim! This is an amazing image!

  3. Great shot! There is something comforting in knowing that I am looking at the same moon all the way over here in Europe that you are looking at there in Seattle. Makes me feel closer to everyone there!

  4. The 'I see the moon' quote brought back memories of my kids saying the same thing! We did have a beautiful moon recently, didn't we? Lovely shot!

    Have a great weekend!


  5. What a sweet little ditty. I used to sing it to my babies. the moon has been glorious lately. I guess that is because we have had such clear skies. lol I used to sing this too:
    The man in the moon is a cowboy
    Rounding up the stars up above
    The man in the moon is a cowboy
    And (childs name) is the one that I love.


  6. Wow, that's a great moon capture. One day I will buy a camera good enough to do this...

  7. Excellent shot Kim. Your story reminds me of our son and the book "Goodnight Moon."

  8. I often think of others far away when I see a moonrise like this and wonder what their perspective on it is. That old song my grandparents loved, "I'll be seeing you. . . I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you..." comes to mind. I was walking out of class Wednesday night and my classmate gasped at a huge very orange-yellow moonrise just above the Cascades, and in between us and that view was the dome of the campus observatory! Very fun. So when I saw a glow in the clouds last night I pulled out the tripod and soon this emerged. I hope to see your red moon shot :-).

    Thans BC, I had to wait a bit for this one, once I got the exposure somewhere in the right neighborhood, clouds drifted across and I had to wait. This was just with a 200mm lens and not as crisp as I would love, and I cropped the shot to bring it closer.

    Maya, I think that is something sailors in ancient days took comfort in as well: those I care for far away can see this as I see this. When you coming home, girl? We've got to get together when you return. Or should I say "if"!

    Sharon, thank you!

    Sylvia, yes we did, and Wednesday's seemed more golden honey than last night's. Thanks for visiting!

    MB, I hope we'll have the opportunity for you to teach me the tunes to those two. Thanks for sharing the cowboy one. I don't think I've heard that one before and I bet it is lovely sung.

    Greg, I keep practicing with what I've got. It's the lens that reaches to get these, and the longest I have is 200mm. One day I will get the exposure and focus much better, but for me the moon is taking lots of practice using the gear I've got. I see folks out shooting with ginormous lenses, some looking like telescopes and I wonder how much better a resolution I could get. It never ends :-). . .

    Don, now that's one story I can recite start to finish without turning a page. No cows were harmed while leaping in the taking of this shot, though :-).

    Wishing you all a sunny sky weekend!

  9. Wonderful moon shot, thanks for sharing your skywatch.

  10. funny, i saw her (him?) too that night ... and snapped a few ... nice ...


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