
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

iPhone Wednesday #14: Drains To The Bay

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Water runoff from Seattle rains flows into a system of drains that often lead right back to the open waters around us. In the dark portion of this shot under the puddle where you can't see it is a spray painted reminder about this to encourage people not to dump anything into the drain, like motor oil or paint or other toxic substances. Some neighborhoods, commercial developments, schools, and homeowners have begun to build "rain gardens" to help filter storm runoff through rock, plants and soil before it eventually makes its way to the ponds, streams, lakes, and the sound in its down hill journey.

It's my iPhone Wednesday shot for you this week, taken and edited with the iPhone. Well, Gourmet magazine may have stopped publishing, but today we can go check out the iPhone shots of what Chuck and Ming the Merciless' snapped from their groaning tables, and there is even a wonderful recipe to try :-). We City Daily Photo Bloggers do what we can to fill the gap!


  1. Awesome black & white effect. I need to play with the photo editing software on iPhone.

  2. Excellent! I'm amazed at the capabilities of the iPhone but really, it's all about the photographer's eye and you've got a great one. Bravo!

  3. This is one stunning shot! And I love the idea of the storm gardens, filtering the stuff as it percolates down.

  4. Bravo!
    Well seen and well done. I like it in b/w

  5. Why do I keep coming back for more of these IPHONE shots???? THey only make me crazy! :) This is just a grand shot Kim. Very interesting and moody.

  6. Stunning image! iPhone or not!

  7. Perfectly wonderful and full of atmosphere. I must get myself an Iphone!

  8. look like hotel and sky,if you want to show your photo by 'photo tag'widget, please visit my site.


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