
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

iPhone Wednesday #15: Fall Rain on the Stoop

Fall Rain on the Stoop
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
I had run an errand and was heading back to my car when rain started to fall. I pulled up my hood and walked a bit nearer the buildings to take advantage of their awnings. That's when I noticed this great graphic tiled stoop and the fallen leaf on the sidewalk. I just had to make an image of it. Does it surprise you that one of the effects I used to edit it is called "Paris"? ;^)  It's my iPhone Wednesday shot for this week where the photo is taken and edited right in the iPhone with various apps. Lets see what iPhone images Ming the Merciless and Chuck have come up with for us today.


  1. Cool b&w effect. Love all the angles and shapes in the photo. Great job!

  2. I think you caught the mood perfectly here. I like it.

  3. I knew you'd stop for this one. I would too. Great graphic shot and with a #$%* Iphone. For the love!!! :)


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