
Friday, October 30, 2009

Skywatch: Can't Get There From Here

Skywatch: Can't Get There From Here
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Even  at 76 stories and a height of 937 feet (285 m), Seattle's tallest building, Columbia Center, cannot manage to reach the blue sky on this cloud covered and blustery day of scattered showers. It is Skywatch Friday, and you can check the skies all over the globe or post your own Skywatch photo here.


  1. awesome photo!
    My daughter recently visited Seattle and LOVED it!
    ~a lovely weekend to you~

  2. What dramatic skies and that building is quite amazing. Great shot. Looks like a true metropolis.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kim, thanks for your visit on my blog. Regarding the news about houses on the coasts built in low lying areas, there's been a lot said in the news here. Some houses were destabilisd following recent storms and this has set off warnings about rising sea levels and climate change. Some home owners are worried and others think it's an opportunity to buy cheap land with water views.

  5. Great perspective with a wide-angle. That patch of Sidney Poitier above the Columbia Center is perfect!

    In case you don't make the connection, the movie was "Patch of Blue".

  6. Very neat perspective and such ominous clouds!

  7. Love this shot Kim. Boy, that's about the only blue around here today.

  8. Sepia and blue — how did you create this photo, Kim? It's wonderful!

  9. I love sky watch photos that show the sky in relation to the man made. Tremendous perspective here! Happy Halloween!

  10. bonjour,
    A nice serie..beautiful frame and lightness..bravo!

  11. Beautiful subject and creation, Kim. Really stunning.

  12. This shot definitely has me looking up!

  13. Very cool shot. Are you peeking into heaven---the doorway to? MB

  14. Hi Kim, it's been ages since I visited you, I've just been doing some catching up and am in awe as usual at your photos. Have a great Sunday!

  15. What a great city photograph. Very powerful.

  16. Awesome perspective. I'd love to see the view from the top of the Columbia Center!

  17. I love this picture though I love the Columbia tower a little less!

  18. So nice to hear from so many of you on this one. As you can tell by my weird posting hours. . .life is jam packed at present. Thank you for your kind remarks and observations about this shot. I like Chuck's reference to the film title "Patch of Blue."

    Hilda, you asked how this shot was made. I wasn't happy with the building in the foreground which was looking very muddy colorwise. I threw the photo into Flickr's simple editor called Picnik, went into a feature called Curves, selected Ambrotype, then used a reverse effect to return the normal color where I wanted it. Very primative, I assure you. I will finally start learning and using Photoshop the first of next year, and those who cringe at my Micky-Moused effects should start to see a big change in quality (I hope).
    Thanks again, and cheers!


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