
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Angled Tunnel

Angled Tunnel
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
As promised, another entryway. This one is on the east side of the Central Library. The steel diamond grid that forms the exterior shell of the building descends as an open work past the glass wall on the first floor which angles back. The shapes are reflected in the glass. I liked looking down the tunnel it forms leading to the east library entrance and to Chocolati, the on site coffee and chocolate source that makes hanging at the library on a rainy day an even more splendid experience.


  1. What a beautiful image! Love the composition of the shot.

  2. I remember the first time I drove by this. It's beautiful. Excellent choice Kim.

  3. wow. and a good choice to do it in b&w!

  4. Beautiful composition, and if you stare at it long enough, it's an optical illusion.

  5. I agree with the others, Kim, this has such great geometric interest. A terrific b&w composition.

  6. What a terrific shot, Kim. All the angles etc make for a great monochrome photo.

  7. Ooh, you captured this in a way I've always wanted to, but never succeeded! Nicely done!


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