
Monday, November 30, 2009

Another Gift Idea

Another Gift Idea
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
While I was out last night I noticed a lot of Seattlites took advantage of the mild dry days we had over the weekend to put up lights and decorate their yards. Last year I had driven by this house which had a huge sign made from lights that said "Yes We Can" at election time and through the holidays. The resident that creates these home displays on wire fencing material is creative and thoughtful. This year they have written a gift idea in lights and hung it in the tree branches at curbside. When I think about the future I'd like to create for children, one gift I'd like to provide is a landmine-free world. I'd like to suggest starting with the USA signing the Ottawa Treaty on Landmines. It's a no-brainer, and frankly, I think the president has no valid argument for deciding not to do so last week and that the USA seems to have lost its will to find its moral compass and passed up the opportunity to take an influential position, despite a change in administrations.


  1. This should be a birthright, but, alas, it has not been taken as seriously as it should be by our politicians, government, aspects of our culture and many educators who are failing children in too many schools. Normally I am an optimistic person, but I become emotional and sometimes close to rage when I see what is done to some children. It is my hope that we will take the task of rearing children...all childen throughout the globe...seriously and kindly.

  2. Very creative. Banning landmines would be a great thing. One million people have died or been injured by landmines in the last thirty years.

  3. I am at a loss to understand why Obama made this decision. When I heard the news I felt a surge of disappointment rise up in me. This is a terrific photograph of an a powerful sentiment.

  4. I'm in full agreement as far as the landmine issue is concerned. I don't see how anyone in their right mind can't get on board.
    PS: Excellent use of lights here too.


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