
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Lights Are On But Nobody's Home

The Lights Are On But Nobody's Home
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
An abandoned bank on First Hill. What might that dog be thinking?


  1. The financial crisis is scary....

    The dog looks like a take-off on the RCA dog listening for 'his master's voice.' In this case, his master's voice isn't likely to be heard for a while.

  2. The dog looks like it has 'flying nun' aspirations. Maybe its wondering why it didn't fly the coop when all the humans left.

  3. Hmmm, this seems vaguely familiar.

  4. There is absolutely no connection between that southbound Airstream yesterday and this empty bank, right? Right?

  5. there is an abandoned building at Southcenter that has this same facade. I do like the decals.

  6. It looks like he's looking up for help.

  7. There are similar buildings like this near the mall in Bangor. Since they built the new mall by the interstate highway, a lot of restaurants and retailers have moved closer to the exit where the mall is located.

    Some of the older buildings further down the road are abandoned. :-(

  8. Kim, I just love catching up with your brilliant work. Gorgeous shots! All of them! This one is so poignant, too.

  9. I agree with Laurie. Every time I visit your blog I'm most impressed with the quality of your photos.

    Remember the comment you made on my blog a couple of days ago about the artichokes at the market? Well today there's a close-up on those artichokes so I'm dedicating my post to you. I've added a link to your blog.

    Thank you for visiting Avignon in Photos regularly, your kind and positive comments are always much appreciated. From someone as talented as you they mean a lot to me. Cheers!

  10. My best friend lives right next to this old bank. I like the fact that they left the dog in the window. This building was scheduled to be demolished and replaced with a multi-story building, but due to the recession, that project has been put on hold.

  11. I thought this used to be a furniture store, (or maybe I am wrong.) I always thought it was a little weird this had sat so long - the property has got to be worth a billion bucks, even after the realestate crash.

  12. The dog may be thinking, "Those humans do the strangest things!"

  13. OMG!! I remember when we painted that dog! I can't believe they left him up after they closed down! That's so awesome, I can't wait to show everyone!


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