
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Theme Day: Doorways

He's a Streamlined Man
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
It's a beautiful fall day here with blue sky, puffy clouds, autumn colored leaves all around, and it's November 1, and our CDPB monthly theme day: Doorways. I saw this guy framed against the light in a 3rd floor doorway of the central library. The entire 3rd floor (walls, ceilings, floors, doors, hallways, access panels) is entirely red and high gloss. His reflection echos on the curving walls and the shiny floor. You can see doorways all around the world today. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.


  1. Another 'cherry' shot! Looks like he has a Stetson on in the reflection!

  2. I missed this gem yesterday. What a fabulous shot against that high gloss paint. Beautiful reflections from all sides, curves, everything. As always, superb, Kim. He seems to have a stetson in the reflection and not in reality. The reflection on the floor seems to move like water. So beautiful.

  3. Bibi, I never noticed the "hat" illusion. . .thanks for your eagle eye! Maybe its just in his dreams that he's a caballero :-). Thank you Brattcat and Jilly for your fun comments!

  4. Love this bright red colour. That's a nice illustration of this theme.

  5. Nice shot! There's something er, kinda biological about it...

  6. Bleeding Orange and Luis, thank you very much!

    Christchurch Daily Diary, I laughed so hard! Thank you (I think :-) ) for noticing the details!


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