
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Still Looking for Gifts?

Still Looking for Gifts?
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
If I'm on your list, this is where you can go shopping for me :-). Easy Street Records is a Seattle institution that hasn't gone under like so many record stores have in the last decade. There are frequent in-store concerts, a wide variety of music, a good used section, even vinyl. Hand painted murals of album covers adorn their parking lot wall. Up on the hill to the right you can see the Christmas lights on the King 5 broadcasting tower. Easy Street doesn't need extra lights as their year-round neon sign is already pretty festive. So, what music is on your top 5 list for 2009? How 'bout top 10 of the decade?


  1. This is just too cool. I would SO love to go shopping there!... ^^

  2. A great source for sure. I like the atmosphere at Easy Street better than I did at Tower ... even if they are in the same location. Hope you've got all in control for the next fast week. Whew! Wondering where this year went!! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kim!


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