
Monday, January 11, 2010

Gray Sky Blues

Gray Sky Blues
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Looking up at a plane and the rain cloud filled sky through the wires above. Typical winter skyscape on Seattle's Capitol Hill. This is a color photo, and a true example of our winter grayness. The blue neon of Victrola Coffee's sign spells out the antidote of choice to seasonal affective disorder. It's only a matter of time before they start fortifying the local java with vitamin D like they do milk :-). This is another in my Seattle Skies series which feature planes in flight.


  1. That plane really makes this photo extra good.

  2. Beautiful composition, Kim. No rain here, but cold!

  3. The wires really impart a sense of being trapped in the grayness. But this too shall pass. And if not there are always full-spectrum lights : ) Fabulous shot.

  4. Nicely shot and yes the blue of the coffee sign is a surprise.

  5. Victrola is a great place to get in out of the rain, or sun, most anytime. Hope you've got your umbrella handy, Kim. Looks like we're in for a soaking for a few day.

    Thanks for your b'day well wishes. It's been fun and I'm looking forward to another year.


  6. great composition with airplane between the lines - I often manage to get one in my shots and it adds that extra depth to the close item.

  7. Did you just perch there until a plane appeared? Very clever.

  8. Neat sign. Neat shot.
    «Louis'» "caffeine meter" is in the red zone.
    Time to get up and get a cup of his "Holy Cow Blend"!

  9. That definitely is the Seattle I used to know and love. When I lived there, I had to take a road trip every February to places which had sun and snow. Otherwise, February was definitely the longest month in the year.

  10. This is framed so well - love it!


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